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Nether Whitacre Parish Council

Recent Planning Applications

How do I view an application

You may view the forms, plans and other documents at . Search by entering the PAP reference number.  You may comment on the proposal at, by email to or you may write to Jeff Brown BA Dip TP MRTPI, Head of Development Control Service, The Council House, South Street, Atherstone, Warwickshire, CV9 1DE

Current Planning Applications

PAP/2024/0544 - Homesdale Farm, Station Road, Nether Whitacre, Coleshill, B46 2BY - Demolition of exisitng stable building and ancillary structures and redevelopment of site to provide 4 x 2 bedroom dwellings with landscaping. Comments by 10th December has been extended, however comments are invited ASAP

PAP/2024/0557 - Land between 10 and 32, Birmingham Road, Whitacre Heath - Permission in principle for proposed infill residential development, comments invited by 26/1

The permission in principle consent route is an alternative way of obtaining planning permission which separates the consideration of matters of principle for proposed development from the technical detail of the development. The permission in principle consent route has 2 stages: the first stage (or permission in principle stage) establishes whether a site is suitable in-principle and the second (‘technical details consent’) stage is when the detailed development proposals are assessed. The scope of permission in principle is limited to location, land use and amount of development.  Issues relevant to these ‘in principle’ matters should be considered at the permission in principle stage. Other matters should be considered at the technical details consent stage.

This is an application in respect of the first stage.

Rottweilers loose in Whitacre Heath

UPDATE:  Following our Parish Council Meeting 20th January 2025 - PC Thompson confirmed they are going to look into this further over the next few days and try to put measures in place which he hopes will ultimately resolve the issue and put the residents mind at ease. He plans to email the clerk once they have done a visit and explored the further orders they can put into place.  An order has been placed for a pedestrian gate and additional fencing either side of the gate to Cottage Lane to make the area more secure.

Dogs escaped through damaged fencing and attacked another dog while being walked by his owner in Cottage Lane.  The Police have been informed and have spoken to their Dog Liaison officers who are taking the matter forward.  It is not something our local officer would normally deal with so needs to await their response. Our local officers have spoken to the dogs owner and given words of advice. Their fence was being repaired when the police visited, they have been advised not to let their dogs out unsupervised in the area where the fence is broken. The fence has since been repaired and the dogs are now secure.  Patrols have been conducted in the Cottage Lane area and will continue to give some reassurance while waiting for the dog unit to advise what action needs to be taken. The one thing that is within Parish Council powers is to ensure that access to the Play Area is secure to protect children in the play area if the dogs are loose again. Quotes for some additional fencing and a pedestrian gate on the Cottage Lane access are being sought along with some hedge whips for gaps in the hedge. Legal Department at the Borough Council confirm involving the police and looking at securing the boundary of the playground is the extent of our powers in the current situation. 

Night Flights from Birmingham Airport

9th January 2025 Update

Extra night flights to and from Birmingham Airport have been approved. Councillors in Solihull, where the airport is based, agreed to increase the number of night flights in a vote of seven in favour, two against. This will see an increase from 5% to 7.3% in flights arriving or leaving between 23:30 and 06:00 GMT, thought to average about 21 flights a night. The airport has argued increased night flying is necessary to continue its growth and deliver benefits to the region's economy but some Warwickshire councillors expressed anger at not being consulted and a public consultation saw a 642-strong petition against the plan and 243 objections.

Barston parish councillor Jeremy Emmett asked for the application to be rejected adding the health effects of sleep deprivation were well documented. "The roar of aircraft disrupted this (tranquillity) every hour," he said. "Peaceful nights are already a distant memory."David Sandells, a Hampton-in-Arden parish councillor, said: "The World Health Organisation defines eight hours as a typical night time sleep period. "The existing night time flight policy already reduces this to six-and-a-half, this is already generous to the airport."Mark Wilson for Smiths Wood ward pointed out the council declared a climate emergency in 2019. "This application is not compatible with that," he said. Knowle ward councillor Dave Pinwell said residents in general appreciated living next to the airport, wanted to get to more destinations and were happy to take night flights.

In October, the airport announced that it had applied for permission to increase the number of night flights as it aimed to handle 18 million passengers a year by 2033. A spokeswoman said the airport would not breach its current limit of 5,171 night flights per year.

Councillors in North Warwickshire, which covers towns such as Kingsbury and Atherstone, about 16kim (10miles) from the airport, said they were "appalled" they were not consulted. Mark Simpson, ward councillor for Fillongley, said: "I would have thought this would be something any reasonable neighbouring authority would have consulted with us on."


We contacted the chair of North Warwickshire Area committee for an update on the proposed increase in night flights from Birmingham Airport

Regarding BHX and ‘Night Flying’………there is no short answer.

Wednesday, January 8th 2025 is D-Day for BHX.

This Wednesday Solihull MBC will decide, having postponed from 04/12/24, BHX’s application to vary the terms of the Section 106 Agreement granted to the Airport in 2009 to allow it to be an airport ie receive arriving aircraft and thereafter allow aircraft to depart.

This Agreement specifies 4 yearly reviews.

In the Agreement is a commitment to work towards a 4% limit  of all air traffic movements between 23.30 and 06.00 hours, the night time flying period.

This is not the case for this latest request. So there has been a full planning application to meet the t&c of the original S106.

BHX want more flexibility not less to meet Airline demand for their aircraft to do more flying (though thankfully not with the same crew)

With others I have been on this issue for most of 2024 and have attended hours of meetings making the case for NWarks towns and parishes, particularly those living under the flight paths such as Curdworth, Wishaw, the Whitacres, the Marstons, Water Orton, & Coleshill.

As NWAC Chair I have made the case and as a concession have got the Airport to look at Noise as a stand alone topic.

Against the proposal, I have brought in Rachel Taylor, our MP.

But we must all understand that this is a Solihull issue and we can only object / disagree etc.

I have a meeting at the Airport on 16/01/25 ………this will be the first ‘Noise Sub Group’ meeting.

Aircraft are getting quieter and in support of this statement BHX have employed a plethora of consultants to knock back perceptions.

My optimism is high that BHX does not get what it is asking SMBC to grant.

I have been in contact with Solihull MBC councillors. They know they hold the health and wellbeing of around 4 million people living under the flight paths in their hands.

I will settle for a compromise interim solution for now to allow BHX to continue to operate

I’ve been throwing everything at this.


Our local police have asked that we please stress to residents how important it is to call any suspicious activity into them so they can monitor and organise dedicated operations to tackle any criminality.  Our local team cover Kingsbury, Cliff, Hurley, Wood End, Piccadilly, Middleton, Wishaw, Curdworth, Water Orton, Nether Whitacre, Whitacre Heath, Lea Marston, Hams Hall, Hoggrills End and Bassetts pole. Please report concerns by calling 101 or report online on

The police also invite residents to submit their traffic concerns on the partnership website. The reporting system can be accessed via Warwickshire Road Safety – Warwickshire Road Safety Speed Concern site (  If you have dash cam footage it’s operation snap Warwickshire Police. 

Atherstone and Coleshill SNT have been promoting Warwickshire Connected. Get connected with what is happening in your local area, keep up to date and get involved in shaping what goes on where you live or work. Warwickshire Connected is a free messaging service brought to you by Warwickshire Police where you decide when and how you hear about the issues that matter most to you, whether that be getting regular crime updates, the latest information on ongoing incidents and emergencies or learning more about what your local police are doing. This is also the place where you can get involved in helping to make your local area a safer place, tell them what police should be doing in your area, shape the initiatives that help to keep people and property safe and tell them what matters are causing our communities harm. Sign up today:

Coton Road Bridge Update

Our MP Rachel Taylor has thanked the Parish Council for providing a comprehensive briefing on the issues and for raising resident’s concerns. She has confirmed being happy to take this issue up with Warwickshire County Council and to meet with us to try and draw up a plan to bring these matters forward, and to identify interim measures that can be put in place to mitigate the impact on residents, one of her team will be in touch to arrange a date.  Funding of a new bridge is a huge issue, WCC are in the process of applying for grants, we have recently been informed that the funding proposals were revised in the Government’s recent budget, and WCC are still waiting for confirmation of Warwickshire’s share of the additional funds and the types of schemes the DfT expect the funding will be prioritised towards. They will share further details when known.

Please continue to send any footage of large vehicles struggling along our roads and lanes to,, we can also add our County Councillor and our Borough Councillor .

Latest News from HS2 following further chaos during the M42 Closure 13th to 16th December

latest from HS2 - January 2025
We plan to monitor the traffic during these next overnight closures and act on any issues.  Hopefully traffic between 9pm and 5am will be lighter and the diversion route will be clear for drivers to follow and have no need to divert through Whitacre.
  • HS2 Please find the Notice of M42 Junction 6 to 8 temporary overnight closures and lane closures attached for your information.


Closed 9pm 3 February until 5am 4 February.

Closed 9pm 4 February until 5am 5 February.

Lane 2 and 3 closed 9pm 5 February until 5am 6 February

Lane 2 and 3 closed 9pm 6 February until 5am 7 February


Closed 9pm 10 February until 5am 11 February.

Closed 9pm 11 February until 5am 12 February.

Lane 2 and 3 closed 9pm 12 February until 5am 13 February

Lane 2 and 3 closed 9pm 13 February until 5am 14 February (includes full closure of the M6 link northbound with M42 southbound)

A full diversion will be in place using the local road network – Advised to exit M42 at junction 6, head east along the A45 to Stonebridge Island and take the first exit north on the A452/A446. Road users can rejoin the M42 at junction 9. This diversion route is approximately 8 miles with a journey time of approximately 14 minutes in normal.  Route reversed for southbound traffic.

REF: HS2-24-116865-E
Thank you for contacting Balfour Beatty vinic working in partnership with HS2, via the HS2 Helpdesk Team, which is open all day, everyday of year.
Traffic monitoring:
Following on from our meeting with Nether Whitacre Parish Council on 2 December at Nether Whitacre Village Hall at 7pm until 8pm, where BBV announced additional traffic management signs, our traffic management operatives, monitored and maintained the diversion route, throughout the closure.
Additional signage:
BBV installed additional traffic management signage on the M42 weekend diversion routes, advising road users of unsuitable diversion routes. We advertised the planned and approved diversion routes during the closure and provided road signage along the. diversion routes for road users to follow.  The idea of traffic lights was dismissed as it was felt it would cause more issues.  
Further diversion mitigation:
Further mitigation within your local area/local road network which is not part of our diversion routes or closures, will need to be explored via your local authority.
HS2 road safety fund:
Following on from your previous enquiry, thank you for waiting patiently as I gathered information relating to the HS2 road safety fund.
Solihull Council has been awarded £2.435million as part of the HS2 Road Safety Fund. These funds are to be spent on road safety interventions across Solihull, in locations that are closely associated with the route of the HS2 railway.
Funding can only be spent on locations where there is a known injury collision problem, in road safety education, or on new or upgrading of cycle facilities.
All projects must leave a legacy of road safety improvements. There are also geographical restrictions, in that locations can only be selected for interventions if they are closely located to the line of the railway or impacted by a HS2 lorry route and traffic associated with HS2s construction. 
Whilst the funding is held by HS2 Ltd and is periodically drawn down through a defined process, WCC are responsible for the identification, management and delivery of any projects in your area.  As such we would suggest Nether Whitacre Parish Council, reach out to Warwickshire County Council, if you feel any potential projects that could potentially be supported and delivered through the use of this fund, or would like to know more about any projects delivered to date.
Best regards